CASE STUDY: Hendricks County Jail
By HomeWAV MediaOctober 10, 2023
Town of Danville
Located in Danville, Indiana, Hendricks County Jail’s mission is to provide a safe, secure, and constitutional detention facility in the most respectful, professional, and fiscally responsible manner possible. Hendricks County built a new jail facility that resolves previous infrastructure issues with the original, outdated linear jail that were difficult to manage. The new space occupies 168,000 square feet and features 54 HomePAS™ kiosks and 544 new ComPAS™ tablets in a building that houses 599 beds. Hendricks County Jail’s new facility was complete in October 2022, with administrative staff moving in initially. Full-service jail operations began in February 2023.
KEY FACILITY PARTNERS: Sheriff Jack Sadler, Chief Deputy Scott Larsen, Matron Ronda Elliott
CHALLENGES: Hendricks County Jail wanted a low-cost, all-in-one solution from an innovative inmate communications provider and sought out a new, reliable partner that would not charge a high price for state-of-the-art equipment. They were open to new options that would provide better inmate communications options and wanted to give a new company a chance to make a difference in their facility. After an informative presentation in which HomeWAV asked in-depth questions and showed genuine care about their needs, Hendricks County Jail selected HomeWAV as their partner on November 10, 2015. HomeWAV’s task was to deliver a solution to not only produce more revenue for the facility, but also to provide a much better, reliable service for inmates to connect with their loved ones.