
CASE STUDY: Phelps County Jail

By HomeWAV MediaAugust 14, 2023

CASE STUDY: Phelps County Jail

Located in Rolla, Missouri, the Phelps County Sheriff’s Department’s mission is to provide the highest degree of law enforcement possible to the citizens of Phelps County utilizing the resources that are made available to them. They pledge that they will serve with integrity, professionalism, dedication, competence, and character, and they will apply the laws of the State of Missouri equally to those they serve.

KEY FACILITY PARTNERS: Sheriff Mike Kirn, Lieutenant Joe Taylor, Sergeant Marvin Jackson


Phelps County Sheriff’s Department knew their jail needed to bridge the gap between once-a-week visitation and anytime visitation to help ease the burden on facility staff and improve visitation options for inmates and their loved ones. They wanted to find an innovative inmate communications partner who could bring their vision to life through video visitation technology. HomeWAV’s modern technology was intriguing to Phelps County for its superior capabilities compared to other providers and its local proximity within Missouri. For these reasons, Phelps County decided to select HomeWAV as their inmate communications and technology solutions provider to improve facility operations within their jail through its complete ecosystem of services.