CASE STUDY: Leavenworth County Jail
By HomeWAV MediaFebruary 7, 2024
CASE STUDY: Leavenworth County Jail
Located in Leavenworth, Kansas, Leavenworth County Sheriff’s Office fully acknowledges the necessity of a community partnership. Leavenworth County Sheriff’s Office staff is committed to providing its community with professional and courteous law enforcement services. They seek a proactive approach and utilize common sense to solve problems and further their partnership with the community. The jail facility houses an average of 175 inmates with a maximum capacity of 220 beds.
CHALLENGES: Dissatisfied with their previous inmate communication and technology provider, Leavenworth County Jail had major issues with customer service. Whenever a problem would arise, they would have system downtimes for an extended period that caused major issues. They were frustrated with these ongoing issues and wanted a reliable communications system that worked properly and provided timely customer service whenever needed. After searching for a trusted industry provider to resolve their concerns, Leavenworth County Jail selected HomeWAV based on their proven commitment to customer service and advancements in innovative technology.